Converting an RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color value to its hexadecimal (hex) representation is a straightforward process. In a hex color code, each of the RGB components is represented as a two-digit hexadecimal number, ranging from 00 to FF. Here's how you can convert an RGB color to hex:
Get the RGB Values: Determine the Red, Green, and Blue values of the color you want to convert. Each value should be in the range of 0 to 255.
Convert Each RGB Component to Hex: Convert each RGB component to its hexadecimal equivalent. You can use a calculator or do it manually using the following steps:
- Divide the RGB value by 16 and keep the integer part.
- Convert the integer part to its hexadecimal representation (0-9 and A-F).
Here's a step-by-step example:
Let's say you have an RGB color with the following values:
- Red: 135
- Green: 206
- Blue: 235
Converting each component to hex:
- Red (135) in hex: 135 divided by 16 equals 8 with a remainder of 7. So, the hex value for red is 87.
- Green (206) in hex: 206 divided by 16 equals 12 with a remainder of 14. In hexadecimal, 12 is represented as C, and 14 is represented as E. So, the hex value for green is CE.
- Blue (235) in hex: 235 divided by 16 equals 14 with a remainder of 11. In hexadecimal, 14 is represented as E, and 11 is represented as B. So, the hex value for blue is EB.
- Combine Hex Values: Once you have the hexadecimal values for the Red, Green, and Blue components, combine them into a single hex color code. The format is typically "#RRGGBB," where RR represents the red value, GG represents the green value, and BB represents the blue value.
In our example:
- Red (87)
- Green (CE)
- Blue (EB)
The combined hex color code is "#87CEEB."
So, the RGB color (135, 206, 235) is represented as the hex color "#87CEEB." This is the hexadecimal code you can use in HTML, CSS, or other applications to specify the color.